eCommerce Terms & Conditions


1. Introduction

2. Definition of terms used within this Agreement

3. Agreement

4. Registration

5. Course withdrawal or cancellation

6. Exceptional circumstances

7. Dispute resolution

8. Operation of Profile

9. Your personal information

10. Content and delivery

11. Assessment

12. Final Results

13. Certificates

14. Plagiarism

15. Complaints and appeals

16. Right to cancel registration

17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction


1.1 This document contains terms and conditions (“Conditions“) that apply to anyone registering for a course provided by Erudio Global Proprietary Limited.  

1.2 Unless otherwise stated, the Website and its related information is provided to you by Erudio Global Proprietary Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Erudio”), a company registered in the Republic of South Africa (Registration Number: 2015/146071/07) having its registered office at Office 3, Block 6, Kingfisher Office Park, 28-30 Siphusethu Road, Mount Edgecombe.

1.3 These Conditions define the terms of agreement entered into between you and Erudio (“the Agreement”). Access to this website located at (“the Website”), as well as the information and services Erudio provides to you, are subject to these conditions.

1.4 When you register to receive a course from Erudio you are entering into contract with Erudio. These Conditions contain the terms of that contract. They incorporate and are subject to the rules, policies and procedures that may also be laid out in other parts of this Website. 

1.5 Collectively, they set out the responsibilities and rights of each party.

1.6 By registering on the Website to purchase a course, you agree to be bound by these Conditions. In the event that, for any reason, you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions, you may not continue to use the Website.

1.7 If any part of this Agreement is unclear or not understood by you, you are required to seek clarity by contacting a representative of Erudio using the details provided on the ‘Contact’ page of the Website.

2. Definition of terms used within this Agreement

2.1 “Conditions” means the requirements expressly contained in this document, or implied, that each contracting party must first perform before being in a position to demand performance of the other contracting party, and that give effect to this agreement.

2.2 “CPA” means the Consumer Protection Act No. 68 of 2008 a law promulgated in the Republic of South Africa.

2.3 “Erudio” means Erudio Global Proprietary Limited, a company registered in the Republic of South Africa (Registration Number: 2015/146071/07) having its registered office at Office 3, Block 6, Kingfisher Office Park, 28-30 Siphosethu Road, Mount Edgecombe.

2.4 “Intellectual Property Rights” means information subject to copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, service marks and other intellectual property rights (whether registered or not), including in other jurisdictions that grant similar rights. 

2.5 “Party” means the registered user and Erudio, respectively, as the context requires, and “parties” shall have a corresponding meaning.

2.6 “Personal Information” is as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013, a law promulgated in the Republic of South Africa.

3. Agreement

3.1 By entering your details on the registration page of the Website, you are considered to have registered on the Website with the intent of receiving information and services provided by Erudio. By registering you are indicating that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms of this Agreement.

3.2 On each occasion that you register to purchase a course from Erudio, you enter into a separate Agreement and are agreeing to the terms of this Agreement.

3.3 Should any of the content of the Website be in conflict with the content of this Agreement, the content of this Agreement shall prevail.

3.4 Anyone making use of the website and the related services, that is under the age of 18 (eighteen) years, is required to obtain their parents’ or legal guardians’ consent to do so prior to registering on the website.

3.5 As part of the procedures relating to courses delivered from this Website, additional terms may be specified as part of the nature of service delivery. [for example; course commencement and end dates, or assignment submission dates]. The content of these additional terms are considered addenda to this Agreement.

3.6 This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa. In the event of any dispute arising from the Agreement, you consent to the jurisdiction of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court.  

4. Registration

4.1 You are required to register for courses using the Erudio Website and you may not register for a course without first accepting the terms of this Agreement. 

4.1.1 By exception, you may enter into an equivalent agreement with an Erudio Business Partner to gain access to the services provided by the Website. Erudio may, at its sole discretion, agree to provide courses on this basis.

4.2 The name you provide when registering, and thus entering into this Agreement, must be identical to the name contained in an authentic identity document, birth certificate or passport used to identify you as a legal person. Erudio reserve the right to seek assurance of your identity to authenticate the same.

4.3 Erudio will register you for access to the courses offered on the Website provided it is satisfied that:

4.3.1 you have read and agreed to the Conditions of this Agreement; and

4.3.2 you have met any additional access conditions, when applicable to the specific course you seek to purchase; and

4.3.3 you have not been, at the sole discretion of Erudio, prohibited from receiving any courses; and

4.3.4 you have paid the applicable fee.

4.4 Any information of whatsoever nature, provided when registering for a course shall be accurate, complete and true.

4.5 Before purchasing a course offered by Erudio, you are first required to satisfy yourself that the course is relevant, suitable for your needs and that you are suitably competent to receive the content of the course. For this purpose, a synopsis has been created for each of the courses offered. Should you in any way be unsure of your suitability to take the course or, should you be unsure of the suitability of the course to meet your requirements, you are first required to clarify these matters prior to purchasing a course.

4.6 For purposes of clarity, anyone registering to take a course shall:

4.6.1 have access to a computer with stable internet connection of suitable speed; and

4.6.2 hold a current email address as well as the competence to use the related email system; and 

4.6.3 be a competent computer and internet user; and

4.6.4 have competence in the use of an Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Office desktop applications including; Word, Excel, Power Point; and

4.6.5 have the latest copy of Adobe Flash Player installed.

4.7 Whilst, for both ethical and competitive reasons, Erudio strives to provide the best possible learning experience, both in content and mode of delivery, courses, including learning material and courseware are provided without any kind of guarantee, and in particular regarding the quality of the course content. 

4.8 Erudio cannot be held liable:

4.8.1 for the ability of the individual purchasing a course to achieve the designed outcome;

4.8.2 in the event that the course does not meet the needs of the individual;

4.8.3 for your suitability for a particular course based on the levels of difficulty;

4.8.4 if after completion of a course, you are not able to obtain employment or promotion within your chosen field of study, or otherwise.

4.9 Should the Consumer Protection Act (Act 68 of 2008) be applicable to this Agreement, your rights under sections 54, 55, and 56 of the Consumer Protection Act shall not be interpreted to be excluded, and are admitted only to the minimum possible extent. You will have no rights in respect of quality of service, safe and good quality goods or implied warranty of quality beyond those explicitly stated in this Agreement or the aforementioned sections.

4.10 Once registered onto the purchased course you will be provided with access to learning materials and courseware as defined in the course synopsis. You agree to study the learning material and courseware, participate in the live sessions where relevant, cooperate with and participate in the team to which you are allocated where relevant, participate in the learning activities and course assessment, all at the specified time and manner.

4.11 When participating in some courses, parts of your private information may be provided to other users, facilitators, assessors and moderators for purposes of team work, collaboration, assessment and similar activities. By registering you expressly consent to the provision of such information to parties who have need thereof for purposes of participating, delivering, assessing or managing the course for which you have registered.

4.12 Access to the learning material, courseware, assessments and other information pertinent to the course shall cease after the course end date. It is therefore in your interest to complete all feedback and assessments prior to the course end date. 

5. Course withdrawal or cancellation

5.1 If you decide to withdraw from a selected course before you have completed your registration you are required to make the changes before you access the course.

5.2 You have the right to cancel your registration without giving any reason, at any time, provided you have not yet accessed the online learning materials or courseware and you will receive a full refund of any fees you have paid for that course.

5.3 The procedure for cancellation is to contact a representative of Erudio by email or telephone.

5.4 Your right to cancel this Agreement shall cease as soon as you have accessed the learning materials or courseware.  By accessing the learning materials or courseware you explicitly agree to the abandonment of your right to cancel this Agreement.

5.5 Should you cancel a course for which you have registered, your access to learning materials and courseware, as well as access to learning and assessment activities shall immediately cease.

5.6 Erudio reserves the right to postpone a course by a maximum of six months, for reasons of a lack of demand, without refund. No interest shall accrue to fees paid.

5.7 Erudio reserves the right to cancel a course, a full refund shall be provided without any accrued interest on fees paid.

6. Exceptional circumstances

6.1 In exceptional circumstances, performance against obligations defined by the conditions of this Agreement may be delayed or abandoned due to any cause that is beyond either party’s reasonable control. Including but without limitation to the following: fire, flood, natural physical disaster, pandemic, terrorist acts, sabotage, industrial disputes, civil unrest, war or threat of war, and failure of electrical supply.

6.2 In exceptional circumstances the parties may come to an agreed resolution. Alternatively, the affected party may declare a dispute by submitting written notice to the offending party, within 7 days of an incident considered, in their opinion, to be an exceptional circumstance. Such notice shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement and handled according to the provisions of Dispute Resolution. 

7. Dispute resolution

7.1 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with: the interpretation of; the effect of; the implementation of; you and Erudio’s respective rights and obligations under; a breach of; any matter arising out of or in connection with, or the rectification of this Agreement and which has not been resolved as provided for elsewhere in this Agreement, shall be decided by arbitration in the manner set out in this clause.

7.1.1 Such arbitration shall be held subject to the provisions of this clause: at a location located within the Republic of South Africa, informally on such rules as to procedure set by the arbitrator but otherwise in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act No. 42 of 1965, as amended, and confidentially; 

7.1.2 It being the intention that, if possible, the arbitration shall be held and concluded within 21 business days after it has been demanded.

7.2 If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, the President for the time being of the KwaZulu Natal Law Society, shall be approached by either party to decide upon the appointment of a suitable arbitrator, bearing in mind the nature of the dispute, which decision shall be final and binding upon the parties.

7.3 The parties irrevocably agree that any decision in such arbitration proceedings:

  • shall be binding on them; 
  • shall be carried into effect; 
  • may be made an order of any court of competent jurisdiction; 
  • shall include such order as to costs as the arbitrator deem fit.

7.4 If Erudio institutes any legal proceedings against you to enforce any of its rights under this agreement it shall be entitled to recover from you all the legal costs it incurs to its own attorneys in accordance with their then usual charges and assessed as between attorney and own client.

8. Operation of Profile

8.1 When purchasing and registering to take a course you will be required to set up a user profile. If you have previously purchased courses and already have a Profile, you will use your existing Profile for the new course.

    • By registering your personal details:
      • you agree that the user name and password is for your use only and that these details may not be shared with any third party;
      • you agree to immediately, on learning of any unauthorised use of your profile details, notify Erudio of such an event;
      • you agree to fully cooperate in any investigation launched into the event of the misuse of a user profile;
      • you acknowledge that you are responsible to maintain your profile and all related information, including the protection of confidentiality of this information;
      • you agree never to access the Website using another user’s name and password;
      • you agree never to perform work on behalf of another user, thus impersonating that user;

8.2 In the event that you forget your password or user name, Erudio may take steps, considered in its sole opinion as secure steps, to ensure access to your profile is regained.

8.3 In the event that, for whatsoever reason, you are suspended from taking part in a course, Erudio may suspend access to your profile.

8.4 If there is a dispute whereby more than one user claims the right to use a profile, Erudio has the right to prevent access to the profile until the dispute is resolved.

9. Your personal information

9.1 In order for you to register to take a course you are required to disclose information of a personal nature that may include your user name and password, name, surname, identity number, date of birth, postal and residential address, email address, internet protocol address and telephone numbers. By providing this type of information when registering to purchase a course, you consent to this information being used and processed, along with information supporting your participation in the course.

9.2 Erudio may use the information you provide to process your registration, to communicate with you and to provide services, it is therefore critical that this information is correct and maintained by you when your circumstance and associated personal information changes.

9.3 Erudio commits to never, in any way provide, disclose or sell personal information to a third party that is not affiliated with Erudio and shall only provide such affiliates, including content providers, information that is necessary for the discharge of their duties that support the provision of Erudio Global services.

9.4 Erudio retains the right to use your private information in the discharge of its duties in law and in support of the services provided to you. This may include its efforts to improve the functionality of the Website, improve the services it offers to the market, and protect its rights in legal matters.

9.5 Erudio will use your personal information to communicate with you regarding course and administrative information and customer services relating to the course for which you have registered.

9.6 Erudio reserve the right to disclose your Personal Information if required by a court of law to do so.

9.7 Erudio may use your personal information to communicate newsletters, notices and marketing material to the email address provided by you during registration, or as amended from time-to-time. You may unsubscribe from such communication by selecting the ‘unsubscribe’ link displayed on the related email.

NOTE: This clause is to be read in conjunction with the Privacy Policy displayed on the Erudio Website.

10. Content and delivery

10.1 The course presentation and all related material is delivered using the English language. Consequently, you agree to participate in the course for which you register using English. This includes team interaction, use of chatrooms, submission of emails and in any other form of communication.

10.2 Courses are delivered entirely online, using a mode of delivery selected during your registration. These modes are either self-study, blended learning or live presentation, details of which are explained on the Website.

10.3 Learning material and courseware is provided in an electronic format (e.g. MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel or Adobe PDF), all of which is accessible from the Website. External references are provided to associated material available on other websites (e.g. for international standards). Erudio cannot be held responsible for the functionality or currency of referenced links or the websites themselves.

10.4 Videos are streamed in both self-study and blended learning modes of course delivery. These videos provide vital information that is supplemented by notes that may be printed along with other courseware. You are responsible to ensure you are able to print required documents and have a suitable internet connection with the required speed to view videos. Slow internet connections may cause difficulty and frustration in viewing these videos. 

10.5 You will require Adobe Flash Player to view the videos and participate in live presentations, an Adobe Acrobat reader to make use of .pdf courseware and the related Microsoft desktop application to read material in these file formats, and to be able to create responses in MS Word file format.

10.6 The course content provided by Erudio is designed to be responsive to various mobile devices however, best user quality may be by way of a desktop PC since not all devices may be supported by this technology. The costs associated with hardware, software, access and data is not part of the course fee and will be payable by the user to the relevant vendor and not to Erudio.

10.7 The course facilitator is, unless otherwise specified, available to answer questions via email. Such queries will during normal working days, whenever possible, be subject to a 24 hour turn-around. Course facilitators for blended learning and live presentation, participate in online chatrooms and interact live to handle questions, according to course design. 

10.8 Erudio holds and owns all intellectual property rights to the Erudio Global Website, its related domain name, and all that is published on the Website. This includes all rights to learning material and courseware. 

10.8.1 In some circumstances the facilitator may provide written permission and access to policies, procedures, forms, registers and templates that can be used for purposes other than participation in the course. Such use will be authorised by the facilitator and only with the proviso that Erudio receive prominent acknowledgment when using such material. The burden of proof of authorisation shall lie with the user.

10.9 The content of this Agreement, no part of it, by word, paragraph or section, shall be interpreted as an assignment of any Intellectual Property Rights in the course content, material or courseware to any third party or to you. This includes adaptations to the course content, course material and courseware.

10.10 An individual that registers to take a course may not provide access to the course content to any third party, you are the only one permitted to participate under your user name and password.

10.11 You may not make use of the course content for any purpose other than that which is expressly described for permitted use. In particular, you may not remove any copyright notice, trade-mark, logo or other preoprietary mark from any course content, related learning material, courseware, policy, procedure, form, template or register.

10.12 You may not use the course content or parts thereof for commercial gain or loan, donate or otherwise distribute or transfer the course content or rights thereto to any third party by any means.

10.13 Nothing shall restrict Erudio’s right to apply to a competent court for relief should Erudio’s Intellectual Property Rights be violated or threatened, and the parties consent to the jurisdiction of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court for such purposes.

11. Assessment

11.1 All courses are subject to continuous assessment and some also include an examination.

11.2 User competence may be assessed by way of the user participating in exercises, case studies and individual and team assignments that count towards the final course result. Many assessments are automated and will provide immediate outcome, whilst others are assessed by the course facilitator or an appointed assessor. Durations applicable to a response to an assessment will be provided by the facilitator. 

11.3 Courses comprise several modules. Users may, in some cases, at the sole discretion of Erudio, be restricted from progress to a subsequent module before attaining the required assessed outcome.

11.4 Submission of inputs to assessment must be submitted at the time and on the date indicated on the course calendar or as otherwise indicated by the course facilitator. The assignment submission times are based on Greenwich Mean Time. No late submissions are accepted, unless prearranged with the course facilitator, at the sole discretion of the facilitator.

11.5 Facilitators may only provide concession for late submission of assignment:

11.5.1 if requested in writing to do so, prior to the submission deadline; and

11.5.2 due to proven illness. A medical certificate shall be considered adequate proof of illness; or

11.5.3 in the event of an exceptional circumstance.

11.6 It is your responsibility to plan for and meet the course obligations, therefore taking a holiday/vacation or going away for work assignments will not be accepted as grounds for late submission of assignments.

11.7 Re-writes of examinations are permitted, provided the required course aggregate, as assessed by continuous assessment, has been attained. 

12. Final Results

12.1 Final assessment outcomes are often subject to both continuous assessment as well as an examination. This includes a process of moderation where results may require to be adjusted. After the process of moderation a related certificate will be made available.

12.2 For the self-study mode of course delivery, the assessments are all automated and a certificate is immediately available on completion of the final assessment.

12.3 No certificate will be provided under any circumstances unless all payments have been cleared in full.

12.4 Certificates are made available, subject to the conditions of this Agreement, in electronic format from the Website and shall not be provided in hardcopy.

13. Certificates

13.1 Certificates are dependent on assessment outcome. A certificate of successful completion will be produced for assessment outcomes at or above the threshold published on the course synopsis. An assessment outcome below the threshold, but above 50% shall receive a certificate of participation. Assessment outcomes below 50% shall not receive a certificate at all and will need to retake the entire course to achieve certification.

13.2 Certificates shall be issued against the legal name and other associated details you provide during registration. Details on your user profile may be adjusted at any time prior to completion of the final examination.

13.3 Certificates are provided in a electronic format, therefore no graduation ceremonies are held to issue certificates. 

13.4 Duplicate certificates can be provided at an administrative fee. You need to contact Erudio for details of the associated fee and an invoice. A duplicate certificate will only be provided on the basis of a supplied letter attesting to the loss of the original with reference to all detail associated with the course registration, certified before a Commissioner of Oaths.

13.5 Certificates shall be withheld if you are being investigated for misconduct or a matter associated with a breach of this Agreement. Certificates will only be awarded after resolution of the associated matter.

14. Plagiarism

14.1 Erudio considers plagiarism to be the use of another’s work without crediting the original author or source of work. This may include another’s words, sentences, concepts and theories.

14.2 Plagiarism is a direct contravention of this Agreement and you must therefore refrain from this type of dishonest conduct. You are entirely and solely responsible for producing work submitted for assessment and will be held accountable for any act of plagiarism.

14.3 If you are suspected of plagiarism you will be notified in writing and will be offered the opportunity to respond by way of written explanation. When found guilty of plagiarism, Erudio at its sole discretion may sanction you by way of the following:

    • remove you from the course without compensation and without certification of any sort;
    • allocate zero for the outcome of the assessment, which will affect the final mark achieved for the course;
    • provide you with an opportunity to resubmit the assignment.

15. Complaints and appeals

15.1 Complaints or appeals may be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer of Erudio Global. Such submissions shall be in writing, addressed to the contact details displayed on the contact page of the Website.

15.2 Complaints and appeals will be fully investigated and will receive written response.

15.3 You are required to include your registration details in the content of the written submission, along with the associated description of the matter.

16. Right to cancel registration

16.1 Erudio has the right to cancel your registration at any time if:

16.1.1 it is established that information provided by you is untrue or misleading;

16.1.2 you contravene any of the conditions set out in this Agreement;

16.1.3 work you submit as your own is found to be wholly or partly plagiarised.

16.2 Please note that we may also seek prosecution if you have supplied fraudulent information.

16.3 If Erudio cancels your registration for a course you will no longer have access to the course, without compensation, and may be prohibited from purchasing further services.

17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

17.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa, and you consent to the jurisdiction of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court in the event of any dispute arising from this Agreement. If any of the provisions of this Agreement are found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to give effect to the intent of this Agreement, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Erudio with regard to the use of the Website, registration and the purchase of services.