Privacy Policy

1. Login and password

1.1 Users of the Erudio Global website, whether simply browsing as a guest, or with a purpose to procure services offered on the website, shall register their user name and password. In so doing, Erudio Global is entitled to assume that the individual so registered is the user.

1.2 The user is solely responsible to secure and maintain confidential the information provided to Erudio Global. Erudio Global accepts no responsibility for the user’s failure to maintain the confidentiality of such information. 

2. Security and privacy

2.1 Erudio Global will take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy of a user’s personal information that may be submitted via the Erudio Global website. “Personal Information”, as referred to in this document, has the same meaning as that assigned to it in the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act 4 of 2013, and/or the corresponding definition in the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Act 2 of 2000, and/or the corresponding definition defined in the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, Act 25 of 2002, as the context requires, all of which are laws promulgated in the Republic of South Africa.

2.2 Measures have been taken and are updated, from time-to-time, that secure the integrity of information of the website. Whilst every precaution is taken to protect the privacy of a user, Erudio Global cannot be held liable for loss of security or loss of integrity of a user’s personal information due to hackers, security failures or other attacks. 

2.3 Information transmitted using the internet is sometimes subject to unlawful access and monitoring. Every user must therefore identify, consider and assess the associated potential risk when using this website.

2.4 By using the Erudio Global website the user agrees to Erudio Global’s right to intercept and control communications sent by the user to the Erudio Global website.

2.5 By using the Erudio Global website, and more particularly, when logging on to the Erudio Global website, the user expressly consents in writing, as required by the Regulation of Interception of Communications Act, Act 70 of 2001, and the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, Act 25 of 2002, both being laws promulgated in the Republic of South Africa.

2.6 The Erudio Global website has been created with the explicit intent of providing learning and capacity building. As part of these processes the information provided by a user, in whatever format; be it idea, material, assessment content, assignment or similar, will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, except to the extent set out in the conditions defined of the Erudio Global website. If the submitted information includes or constitutes personal information, the user acknowledges and agrees that such information may be transmitted across international borders in accordance with the provisions of the conditions of the Erudio Global website.

3. Course registration

3.1 In order for you to register to take a course you are required to disclose information of a personal nature that may include your user name and password, name, surname, identity number, date of birth, postal and residential address, email address, internet protocol address and telephone numbers. By providing this type of information when registering to purchase a course, you consent to this information being used and processed, along with information supporting your participation in the course.

3.2 Erudio Global may use the information you provide to process your registration, to communicate with you and to provide services, it is therefore critical that this information is correct and maintained by you when your circumstance and associated personal information changes.

3.3 Erudio Global commits to never, in any way provide, disclose or sell personal information to a third party that is not affiliated with Erudio Global and shall only provide such affiliates, including content providers, information that is necessary for the discharge of their duties that support the provision of Erudio Global services.

3.4 Erudio Global retains the right to use your private information in the discharge of its duties in law and in support of the services provided to you. This may include its efforts to improve the functionality of the Website, improve the services it offers to the market, and protect its rights in legal matters.

3.5 Erudio Global will use your personal information to communicate with you regarding course and administrative imatters and customer services relating to the course for which you have registered.

3.6 Erudio Global reserve the right to disclose your Personal Information if required by a court of law to do so.

3.7 Erudio Global may use your personal information to communicate newsletters, notices and marketing material to the email address provided by you during registration, or as amended from time-to-time. You may unsubscribe from such communication by selecting the ‘unsubscribe’ link displayed on the related email.

 4. Limitation of liability

4.1 By using this website you expressly agree that Erudio Global will not be held liable for damages that may be suffered by the user or any third party, that relate to or may arise from this or any other agreement displayed on the Erudio Global website. This excludes direct damages, and indirect damages or consequential damages.

4.2 The user acknowledges and agrees that Erudio Global shall be held harmless and is therefore indemnified in regard to any claim that a third party may bring against Erudio Global that arises from or that relates to this or any other agreement displayed on the Erudio Global website.

4.2.1 This acknowledgement and indemnity includes all liability arising from misuse of your user information, or if another person accesses your profile and uses, or impersonates you, without your consent.